Guidelines to Students

A Word to Students

Welcome to Vivekananda Vidyalaya Matric. Hr. Sec. School! As you embark on your educational journey, we would like to share a few words of guidance to ensure a fruitful and enriching experience during your time with us:

Speak in English:

We encourage you to communicate in English within the school premises. This practice will not only enhance your language skills but also create a conducive learning environment for everyone.


Be punctual to school. Timeliness is a virtue that not only reflects discipline but also sets the foundation for a successful academic journey.

Regular Attendance:

Attend school regularly. Consistent attendance is key to understanding and absorbing the knowledge imparted in the classrooms.

Homework Routine:

Do your homework regularly. Consistent effort in completing assignments reinforces your understanding of the subjects.

Uniform Discipline:

Come to school in neat and full uniform. A disciplined appearance reflects a disciplined mind and creates a positive learning atmosphere.

Handwriting Matters:

Develop neat handwriting. A clear and legible handwriting style contributes to effective communication and better understanding of your work.

Book Care:

Keep Text-Books & Exercise Books neatly covered. Taking care of your study materials shows responsibility and respect for education.

School Property:

Safeguard the school properly. Treat the school premises and property with care, creating a safe and secure learning environment for everyone.

Participation in Activities:

Take part in as many curricular activities available at school. Involvement in extracurricular activities enhances your overall development and builds character.

Honesty is the Best Policy:

Always speak the truth. Honesty is a core value that forms the foundation of trust and integrity.

Politeness Matters:

Learn to use "please" and "excuse me" while talking to anyone. Politeness in communication fosters positive relationships and effective teamwork.

Respect for Elders:

Respect your teachers, parents, brothers, sisters, and all other elders. Offering respect and assistance reflects your character and values.

Focus on One Thing at a Time:

Do one thing at a time and do it well. Concentrating on tasks at hand ensures quality work and successful outcomes.

Remember, your time at Vivekananda Vidyalaya Matric. Hr. Sec. School is an opportunity for growth, learning, and building a foundation for a successful future. Make the most of it!