Dress Code

Vivekananda Vidyalaya Matriculation Higher Secondary School

At Vivekananda Vidyalaya Matriculation Higher Secondary School, we believe that a dress code promotes a sense of discipline, unity, and pride among our students. We kindly request the cooperation of parents, guardians, and students in adhering to the following dress code guidelines:

Black Shoes/Black Socks:

Students are required to wear black shoes and black socks as part of the school uniform.
Uniform Clothes:
Uniform clothes are available in the school. Parents are encouraged to purchase the school uniform from the designated source.
Monogram and Belt:
The school will supply the monogram and belt to students.

Classes L.K.G & U.K.G:


Light sandal with big checked shirt / Elephant grey half pants.


Light sandal with big checked shirt / Elephant grey half pants.Light sandal with gig checked frock.

Classes I - V:


Light sandal with big checked shirt / Elephant grey half pants.


Light sandal with big checked shirt / Elephant grey skirt / Black ribbon.

Classes VI - XII


Light sandal with big checked shirt / Elephant grey half pants.


Light sandal with big checked shirt / Elephant grey skirt / Black ribbon.

Important Notes:

Uniform clothes, monogram, and belt will be supplied by the school to maintain consistency.

Parents are encouraged to ensure that their wards adhere to the specified dress code for each class.

Your Cooperation is Appreciated:

We appreciate the cooperation of parents, guardians, and students in maintaining the prescribed dress code. A neat and uniform appearance contributes to a positive and focused learning environment.

Thank you for your understanding and adherence to the dress code guidelines.